Tuesday, February 06, 2007

The small miracle that is Chai Tea....(from this point on to be known as CT, since I am too lazy to actually spell it out every time.)Could it be only a year ago that I discovered the joys of CT? So much so that it has almost rivalled my obsession with all things coffee? I just came off of a 21 day fast where I gave up caffeine, all processed foods, white rice and flour, bread meat, candy and junk food. (It was a church thing)Basically it was a vegan diet and guess what? I didn't hate it! And my cholesterol levels actually dropped to normal AND I lost ten pounds! What does this have to do with CT, you ask? The first thing I broke the fast with was CT. It was like a little slice of joy......The worst part of this whole fast thing was giving up coffee and tea. And ok, bread and pasta, after all I am Italian and you know how we love our carbs. But I did find a really good whole wheat pasta that I topped with a nice Puttanesca sauce. So, if you have never had CT and you enjoy things that taste slightly like pumpkin pie, go forth immediately (if not sooner) and indulge. No, no. No need to thank me.Just sharin' tha love.

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